Winter has finally come to SoCal—and if you happen to live in a place that has real winters, go ahead and give a patronizing chuckle about now. Ok, so our winters look more like an early spring. At any rate, that would explain why my thoughts and greenish thumbs are trending towards planning that garden I goaled about back on New Year’s.
I have plans to overhaul the entire backyard and fill it with raised garden boxes and year round producing produce, but I’ll probably start with a handful of boxes for now. And I could take a before pic before I start, but I really don’t like taking pictures of things I can’t endorse, and I definitely can’t endorse the current state of my rain-soggy, weed-friendly, neglected yard.
Just for fun, here’s my wish list of garden growers I’ve been compiling, in no particular order:
Tomatoes (looking at you, Brandywines, Romas, and cherries)
Basil, rosemary, cilantro, oregano, and a bunch of other herbs I’ll probably remember tomorrow
Salad stuffs
Massive floral cutting garden-zinnias and cosmos and lavender are what’s coming to mind at the moment, but there’s about 35 different flowers I’ve been meaning to plant. I need to go find my flower books…
And that’s it for right now. I’m sure I’ll come up with more after I get these planted only to find out I missed the optimal planting time, but hey there’s always next year.